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HIS has won over 1000 awards with ATI graphic solution from major media worldwide.

· -Quality-built
· -Top cooling system
· -Performance/price ratio
-Impressive OC potential
59Hardware.net - Recommended Award

-Low power consumption and heat generation graphics chip;
-Productive cooling system;
-Affordable cost;
-Reinforced system of power;
-High quality element base;
-Availability of factory overclock and a good optimization potential;
-Convenient set of interfaces for output.3
EasyCOM - Optimal price/Opportunity Award

The price to performance ratio is vey fair , A really nice card from HIS perhaps a little comsmetic change would be welcome, The card overlocked way beyond our expectations.
Geeteck.net - Great Value Award

The price to performance ratio is vey fair , A really nice card from HIS perhaps a little comsmetic change would be welcome, The card overlocked way beyond our expectations.
Geeteck.net - Sliver Award